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Monday, May 7, 2018

A Few Commands on CMD Will Remove Viruses from your computer

Charge Prompt is an utility programming that has an entrance to recreate all the framework records, and in this technique, we will utilize a similar access of cmd.

This technique chip away at traits expelling which can be one reason of infection. As the most plausible explanation behind the infection come in to your PC is through utilize gadget. So this will work superbly on USB to evacuate its infections.

Step #1: go to CMD by squeeze look cmd. At the point when cmd opened you have to choose your Drive which you need to remove an viruses

Give the Drive a chance to be E. at that point compose:
Type "E:"
Step 2:
"dir E:"    (Show Drive Dictionary)
"dir E: attrib -s -h /s /d *.*"

Than press Enter.

The Command Prompt will set aside some opportunity to investigate your chose drive and load all the record on your drive.

Notice an uncommon file.exe and of autorun.inf at that point rename it with the command(rename filename.extension new filename)

Bingo now you done .

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